Twice a year is all it takes

Dental exams, intakes and dental cleanings

According to research it is recommended to visit a dentist at least twice a year, even if you don’t have any complaints or issues.

Whether you are visiting us for the first time or whether you are visiting us for your (semi-) annual checkup, our exam consists of thorough dental exams and dental cleanings including personalized cleaning advise.

As experts, we are not only focused on finding problems, but more importantly, we help you prevent them.

During your examination we:

  • Ask questions about your overall health (Did you know that diabetes has relationship with gum problems?)

  • Ask about your oral hygiene habits and help you improve them.

  • Do a soft tissue check (mouth, lips, gums and tongue); Did you know that mouth cancer is often spotted in its early stages by your dentist during a thorough examination?

  • Check for any oral swelling or problems.

  • Evaluate the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

  • Take x-rays if necessary and evaluate existing fillings/restorations.

 Our professional advice combined with regular dental cleanings, are essential for keeping your oral and overall health.